About Us
Who Are We?

A few years ago, Lucretia invited a core group of people that she thought of as Mother-Lovers to join together in an exploration of Our Local Universe Mother Spirit, (who is more commonly known as the Holy Spirit) but whom we also refer to as Our Mother God. 

We six continued to meet regularly via zoom to share our love of Our Local Universe Mother & Our Local Universe Father (who is more commonly known as Jesus Christ / Christ Michael) and to especially enhance our understanding of Her, Our Mother God. 

We are all long-time students of The Urantia Book. All six of us have also integrated and synthesized other spiritual teachings that resonate into our lives. But for all of us, The Urantia Book has proven to be the One Spiritual Text that has withstood our many, many years of intellectual scrutiny and spiritual testing.

The Urantia Book reveals the true, loving, equal and complementary natures of both Our Local Universe Father and Our Local Universe Mother Spirit.

Undoubtedly, what has brought us together is our whole-hearted dedication to doing God’s Will in our lives. 

Each one of us feels the call to share the new Revelations about Our Local Universe Mother God in conjunction with the truths about Our Local Universe Father God. For indeed, we are a two-parent spiritual family with a Divine Spirit Father and a Divine Mother Spirit. These new Revelations are sorely needed by all peoples worldwide. 

Our Local Universe Mother God is equal to Our  Local Universe Father God. Just as our earthly parents are equal and complement one another,  so do our Local Universe Parents exhibit complemental divine attributes. 

For too long has Our Mother God been forgotten, overlooked and under-appreciated. For too long has our planet lived without a clear and distinct understanding and recognition of Our Local Universe Mother God. 

This website is simply one more way we can share our experiences with you and invite you to share with us.