Lucretia Schanfarber

Lucretia ‘Lu” Schanfarber is dedicated to proclaiming the expanded gospel of The Motherhood of God to our planet as revealed in the teachings of The Urantia Book. Lu was introduced to The Urantia Book in 1972 and participated in the 1st International Conference in Oklahoma in 1976.

“Studying The Urantia Book and living its teachings transforms my daily life. I am convinced of it being what it purports to be…the fifth Epochal Revelation to our planet. The Urantia Book is the foundational spiritual text in my life & I read and meditate upon it every day,” Lu says.

In cooperation with a select group of four other Urantia Book scholars and spiritual activists, Lu helped to launch the Our Mother God website and complementary educational programs and discussion groups focused on the Mother aspect of Deity.

Lu is also the hosting founder of Sisters Sharing Circles, a monthly zoom encounter group for women to share their stories and experiences related to their own spiritual journeys and their personal relationship with Deity as Mother and Father.

As a long-time organic and regenerative gardener and former broadcaster, Lu launched her “Gabbing About Gardening” project via weekly radio shows, podcasts, zoom gatherings and social media communities in 2020.

“I know, without a doubt, that our planet is a garden. When we see pictures of our blue-green garden planet taken from space, we instantly realize that Our Garden Planet is real. I am here to help remind people that we are, first and foremost, gardeners! All future generations depend on us re-aligning our priorities and becoming the planetary gardeners we were born to be,” says Lu.

Most of Lu’s 40-year, professional career she worked as a marketing consultant in the Canadian Natural Health Products industry. She has helped to research and develop several best-selling products in the industry. Lu has also worked as a writer, editor and broadcaster promoting natural health products and approaches.

Lu lives with her husband, Lee Gass, an award-winning UBC (University of British Columbia) science professor and sculptor on Quadra Island and Cortes Island – sister islands in the Salish Sea in British Columbia, Canada.

Lu grows and manages two no-dig, food-forest, permaculture demonstration gardens designed to empower and encourage all people to become gardeners. Lu also conducts gardening and composting workshops and helps people design edible perennial landscapes.

The mother of son, Justice, and daughter, Harmony, Lu is also grandmother to three grandsons (Angello, Jesse and Emmett) and one grand-daughter, Willa Grace.

“Life on this planet, Urantia, is an experience that will remain with us forever. We have a glorious opportunity and a divine responsibility to manifest all the truth, beauty and goodness we possibly can in our one short lifetime here before we graduate and journey on to the next worlds. Being a mother and grandmother, proclaiming the Motherhood of God gospel, and promoting Our Garden Planet are my primary directives,” Lu affirms.